Welcome to the all-NEW NaturalOkieBaby.com!

Written by Brent C.


Posted on September 03 2016

Hello, and welcome to the all-NEW NaturalOkieBaby.com!

We are very excited to show you our new site, and we wanted to give you a little more information about the recent changes...and why we decided to make them.

A Look Back....

First though, for those of you that have not visited Natural Okie Baby before, welcome! Natural Okie Baby is owned by a husband (Brent) and wife (Liz) team.... although, Liz is the brains, heart and dedication behind Natural Okie Baby, and Brent loves the technical side, and helps with that piece. (Which explains why you are reading a blog post from Brent currently.)

Why did we decide to open Natural Okie Baby? Well, we were blessed with our beautiful daughter in January 2015, and since then had begun to learn about the massive benefits to being environmentally - and fiscally - friendly! We jumped in... everything from cloth diapers, to reusable wraps & bags, recycled plasticware/plates, eco-friendly crayons, and more. The benefits are enormous to not only the earth, but our daughter as well. Speaking as a husband, and one that didn't really believe the benefits outweighed the sometimes massive gross-ness of cloth diapering...I can 100% fully tell you I'm so glad we decided to jump down this road with our daughter.

Which brings us to Natural Okie Baby. We live in metropolitan Oklahoma City, which for those that don't know... is an up and coming metro area of over 1.3 million people. It's a fantastic place to live and raise a family, and outside of a couple sometimes crazy months of weather - and the occasional 5.6 magnitude earthquake -  OKC is simply an amazing place to be.

(Quick note: If you haven't visited OKC before, you should! It's growing up, and there is a ton to check out here. VisitOKC.com would be a great site to check out. Okay, done with the Chamber of Commerce speech here.)

We noticed though, that cloth diapering is a very difficult item/idea to find locally though (especially Smart Bottoms). With that, my wife decided to launch Natural Okie Baby to grow awareness of cloth diapering & family friendly/eco-friendly options.

I know what you're thinking. "Thanks for the history lesson, but why did you change the website?"

Well, we launched with a different cart provider in June - one that we thought would do good things for us initially. What we came to find, however, is that the options we were wanting to provide to you were just not easily available (or fiscally smart for us to purchase to offer) through our old cart provider.

We know the thoughts...we just started in June, and here we are already doing a massive overhaul. Well, simply put - we are committed to providing you the best customer and shopping experience. Period. Even if that means making another significant financial contribution to get it perfect for you. We may not have a physical presence or storefront (yet...we are excited for the future), so we want to bring the best online presence possible to you.

So here we are. And we are excited. And we hope you will be too.

You are going to love the all-new Natural Okie Baby site. Here are a few things we are excited to offer today:

  • A brand new rewards system. Our rewards system is synced to your customer account - and so simple to use! And offers so many more perks & freebie opportunities! Don't have an account? Don't worry, sign up and you'll receive 100 points just for signing up! Share us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and receive points. Refer a friend, and you'll receive a LOT of points when they purchase. This is something we didn't have on our old platform, and something we desperately wanted to provide you with.

    For those of you that purchased on our old site, don't be afraid...your existing points & customer information have already been transferred to our new site. All you need to do is activate your account, and you will see everything. Neat, huh?!

  • Checkout within our own site. Previously, we had to send you to PayPal as our only payment option. While that is still an option, you can now pay directly via our site (through Shopify payments, our new cart platform provider) very quickly and seamlessly.

  • A more intuitive website for YOU. While our old platform was okay, we are really excited about our new site. It's much cleaner, easier to use, and easier to find things. I don't know about you, but there is nothing more that scares me away from a website than one that is not easy to navigate. You won't find that issue here. (And if you do, let us know. We always want to hear from YOU - good, bad or indifferent!)

There are many more features to our website that were important to us to make the switch, but we won't bore you with all of those details.

Is there anything we are missing? Anything you want to see? Let us know! 

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for choosing Natural Okie Baby, and for supporting local business!

- Brent